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Design Technology Planning 2024 - 2025

Design and Technology will be taught as part of a progressive, knowledge-rich curriculum to develop pupils’ creativity, problem-solving 
skills, and interest in design, while acquiring essential skills and knowledge to deepen their understanding of how the world is designed 
and built.
The Design and Technology curriculum is sequenced to build on prior learning and retrieval. Children will be provided with high-quality 
learning experiences, with particular emphasis on practical and design-based skills, allowing them to create and innovate solutions for 
real-world problems.
Technical language and vocabulary related to design and technology will be taught explicitly and revisited each lesson through 
retrieval activities to enable children to articulate their understanding of the Design  Make  Evaluate process. Children will have 
opportunities to develop their vocabulary not only through lessons but also by engaging with real-world examples of designers, 
engineers, chefs and other careers relating to their topics. 
Design and Technology has transformed the way we live, and it is essential for students to develop an understanding of the methods, 
skills, processes, and uses of design. This knowledge will empower children to become informed, creative thinkers and innovators in a 
world where design and technology continues to shape the future.

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